
What Happens if I Die Without A Will?

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If you haven’t considered what happens if you die without a will, it’s time to take a moment and think about the implications. At JD Legal, we want to ensure that you are well informed about the consequences and the importance of having a will.

Your Ultimate Guide to Applying for Parenting Orders in Adelaide

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Embarking on the legal journey of applying for parenting orders in Adelaide might feel like navigating uncharted waters. We understand the complexities and emotional strains involved in such a process. Fear not, as we present to you a comprehensive guide to help you sail smoothly through these intricate legal waters. Decoding the Language: What Are […]

7 Common Myths in Injury Law Claims

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With years of dedicated service in South Australia’s legal realm, we comprehend the confusion and misconceptions surrounding compensation claims. Let’s unravel these myths and focus on the truths that truly matter. 1) Hiring a Lawyer is Expensive Many believe that not hiring a lawyer saves money, but in reality, ongoing medical bills and lost income […]

Navigating the Journey of a Medical Negligence Claim

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Medical negligence claims are complex, often requiring extensive expert medical evidence. It typically takes about 12 months from the incident for the injury to stabilise, allowing your lawyer to gather the necessary evidence. The subsequent 6 to 12 months involve comprehensive evidence collection, including medical record reviews and expert examinations. Defendants often prefer alternatives to […]

CTP Insurance: Coverage for Motor Vehicle Accidents

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I’ve Had an Accident That Wasn’t My Fault, Now I’m Injured. What Should I Do? If you find yourself in this situation, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Start by ensuring that the police are aware of the accident. If the police haven’t arrived at the scene, make sure to file a report at the […]

Can My Employer Fire Me for Claiming WorkCover?

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WorkCover – The law in South Australia The law in South Australia is clear: If you suffer an injury at work, you have every right to file a workers’ compensation claim. Your employer cannot fire you simply for exercising this right. Unfortunately, some employers may try to pressure employees into not reporting workplace injuries or […]

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Lawyer in South Australia?

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Overview When dealing with a legal problem, one of the first things that comes to mind is how much hiring a lawyer will cost. Legal fees can vary significantly, depending on the complexity of the case, the lawyer’s experience, and their location. In South Australia, lawyers generally calculate fees on an hourly basis. However, for […]

What Does ‘No Win No Fee’ Really Mean?

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Dealing with a legal case can be stressful and overwhelming, and choosing the right lawyer can be tough. That’s where no win no fee lawyers come in – they offer a way to pursue justice without worrying about upfront legal fees.